Thursday, September 16, 2010

Guatemala's Independence Day!

Yesterday was Guatemala's Independence Day! The night before we went to el Parque Central and saw some of the Independence Day eve celebrations like a parade, fireworks (I was the closest to fireworks that I had ever been), and new foods. I tried these donuts with a sweet syrup in the middle, they were really good. Then yesterday we went to see the actual Independence Day festivities and I have some pictures...This is one of the bands that was in the parade. They were really good, they were playing Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) by Shakira which is the World Cup theme song.
There were people all over selling different things and we saw this guy selling cotton candy. It must be a world wide thing to sell at celebrations.
This is the national bird, the Quetzal.
These guys were marching simultaneously. They were very cool to watch.
These kids did two dances to Jailhouse Rock and The Nicest Kids in Town from Hairspray.
After the parade we went to the Kendalls house and had a BBQ with the Servants 4 Him team. It was so much fun!While we were up on her roof taking pictures we saw the clouds coming over the mountain. They looked so amazing. Clouds really are so cool, and to think that God created them and they do so many things (float with tons of water in them, make volcanoes disappear, and can form to the shapes of mountains as they come over them). They really are an amazing creation! I love them!
We ended the day with communion.
All in all it was an awesome day! Hope you had an awesome day yesterday too.
-Katey :)


  1. That parade looks like fun!!! I think its amazing that they danced to hairspray!!! that just makes me laugh :)

  2. Illove the pictures thankyou for sharing! ;d
