Tuesday, December 7, 2010


On Sunday I got to go to Todonicapan. We were invited to visit a friends church for the day because they were having their annual celebration for their church with the community. It was a great day, here are some pictures...
These are the two daughters of our friend. Their names are Jesus Estella and Petrona.
This is the ladies making fried chicken for lunch, it was delicious!
We got to eat lunch with some of the elders in the community.
We met and played with a lot of kids!
Then we went to the special church service and even though it was in a mix of Spanish and their indigenous language and I didn't understand a lot I still knew that they were praising God. It was really cool to see. And there were so many people there. The church was overflowing during the service, they even had to have people sit outside on benches.
And then on the way home we stopped and looked down on Quetzaltenango while Esturado told us the legend of the Quetzal. The view was beautiful!
It was a great trip!!
-Katey :)

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