Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Re-Programming Your Mind

Over the past few weeks we have been teaching the kids at the weekly VBS in Santiago Zamora about the armor of God. Each week we taught them about one of the pieces of the armor and then they would make it (See picture below of the kids with their crafts). This week we finished the series by talking about salvation and how we need to ask God to give us his armor. We also handed out Bibles and told the kids where they can find the verses about the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). It was cool because they all looked up the verses and folded the page so that they could remember it. Though one kid asked me "You said it was Ephesians, so why does the top of the page say Matthew?" I had to explain to him that there are different books of the Bible...I think we will be having a class on how to read the Bible and find verses very soon. But it was awesome to see the kids learning and really wanting to know about the armor of God.

(Kids at VBS with their Swords of the Spirit)

It has been awesome to teach the kids about the armor of God but it's even more awesome how God has taught me things about his armor and protection through my own devotions. I am currently reading the book Battlefield of the Mind for Teens by Joyce Meyer. (It is a great book and I recommend it to other Christian teens. And adults, if you want to read it there is a version for you too.) I started reading it the same day I had been preparing the teaching for the kids about how the devil attacks our minds and how with the help of God we can defeat the devil and overcome the evil thoughts he puts in our minds. The book started talking about the same thing and then went into how we have to ask God to help us re-program our minds so that we can protect them from the thoughts that the devil wants to plant in them. I had heard that phrase (re-program your mind) before but it really clicked as I read it in this book. I need God's help to think about the things he wants me to think of. One verse that is mentioned a lot in the book is...

"For as he thinks within himself, so he is." -Proverbs 23:7a-

This verse has really stuck with me. I want to be a person who is Christ-like, But I need to think on the things of Christ all the time to do this. I also need to remove things from my mind that will not let me be the person I want to be. 

I wrote this verse (Proverbs 23:7a) on two index cards. I put one on my computer screen and one on my mirror. I did this so that every time I am on the computer or looking in the mirror I see this verse and am reminded to think of and fill my mind with things pleasing to God. It is a great reminder especially when I am in the mirror because instead of thinking and believing "I look ugly. Why did God make me look like this?" I think and believe "God made me perfect and in his image. He thinks I am absolutely stunning!" This helps me to be more confident and live my life for Christ all day instead of feeling ugly and being depressed all day. Your thoughts have a lot of impact on your life, just like the verse says! And your thoughts come from what you feed your mind. So every time I am on the computer this verse reminds me to feed my mind with the things of Christ. I am reminded to not look at or listen to crap but rather listen to and look at things that would please Christ.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. -Philippians 4:8-

Are you thinking about such things? Are you feeding your mind with such things? Your thoughts are powerful and remember 
"As he thinks within himself, so he is." -Proverbs 23:7a-

-Katey :)

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