Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Comida (Food)

My whole family has tried a lot of new foods while in Guatemala. Here are two of our experiences with new foods...
Homemade Tortillas: Today my parents teachers came over to the house and we made tortillas. Here are some pictures...
This is Clay making tortillas. You had to do it just right to make the perfect tortilla. Clay had it down, I on the other hand did not.
Once we made the shape of the tortillas we put them on the skillet to cook. Ussually, in a village, you wouldnt use a skillet but thats all we had. Then we took them off when they were ready. I am not exactly sure how to tell if they are done but my parents teachers did.
This is the final product. We had big ones, small ones, perfect circle ones, and oddly shaped ones (the ones I made). They tasted really good with meat and cheese which we put on them and ate for lunch.

Carambola (Starfruit):
We found some starfruit in the market with our friends Andy and Amy. Amy said it was really good so we bought some and took it home to eat. We found out after the first bite that it is very sour. And once we told our Spanish tutors about the new fruit we discovered they taught us the Spanish name (Carambola) and taught us that they don't usually eat it by its self, they make it into a drink. So we tried that too.
What new foods have you tried recently?
-Katey :)

1 comment:

  1. i love the way that u made ur own tortillas!!! u are officially a native now lol
