Monday, October 11, 2010


This weekend I went on a trip to Panajachel with three guys from Destiny, my Dad, Forrest, Clay, and our new friend Andy. It was an amazing trip! Here are some pictures from the trip...
This is a waterfall on the road to Panajachel. Because of all the rain we have gotten down here lately it was flowing steadily. Once we got to Panajachel we stayed near the lake.
On Saturday we took a boat ride across the lake to San Pablo and on the boat ride we could see these lines down the mountains that are from all the mudslides that happened during the rainy season this year.
Besides all the mudslides the view from the boat was so beautiful!
Once we got to San Pablo we met Pastor Efrium and his wife Betty. They were so nice! They introduced us to 4 kids that had completed school through the scholarship program and now they have good jobs.While we were in San Pablo I met Renita (Efrium and Betty's daughter) and she was so sweet and cute. I was also given ropa tipica (the typical clothes of the women) and it was so pretty!It was an amazing trip and the 3 men got a lot of the information that they needed for a possible project in the future in San Pablo. And I would like to thank them for bringing down a lot of things for us (especially the peanut butter m&m's!). Thank you so much!!
-Katey :)


  1. Katey, your post is very informative and your pictures provide good information to us, as well. It sounds like it was a productive trip for everyone. I love your new outfit! Love you! Mrs. Nix : )

  2. that is so amazing that u get to travel to all of those places!!! wow! by the way love the new outfit!!! do u were it often?? lol now u have a new and VERY pretty dress!!
