Saturday, October 2, 2010

Children's Festival :)

Today we helped out at a children's festival in Pueblo Nuevo. It was put on for a church in celebration of National Children's Day (Oct. 1st). Here are some pictures from the event...
I'm in the Lord's Army (in Spanish).
My mom gave this little boy a balloon and he loved playing with it :)
This is Angel Uno y Angel Dos. Not really, their names are both Angel and they are best friends so I started calling them Angel Uno and Angel Dos.
There were piƱatas. This one is of a tv character.
The kids loved the candy!
I had such a fun time playing with the kids, talking with the kids (in Spanish), taking pictures with the kids (they loved to see their pictures on the camera), and just having a lot of fun with the kids! I love kids! I cant wait to do more events like this. They had a little talk and some of the kids received Bibles. It was an awesome day!
-Katey :)


  1. What an amazine ministry to just hang out with kids and show them kindness and love. I am so very proud of you, Katey! Love you, Gaga
