Thursday, September 2, 2010

On Monday morning at 6:20 am I was on a plane to Atlanta. Almost as soon as I got off that plane I got on a new one that was headed for the BEAUTIFUL country of Guatemala where I am now living.

I love to fly. Yes, the snacks and movies are great, But my favorite part is just staring out the windows at the clouds (see picture above). I could spend the whole plane ride just staring out the window. Sadly I couldn't do so on the first plane because I didn't get the window seat but on the second plane ride I probably stared at the clouds for 30 min. I love how they look and I just want to sit on them, though I know that I would just fall right through, and that makes them even cooler. To think that God created them to float in the sky like they do is just so amazing to me because I don't know how they stay up there when they are carrying so much water. I am sure there is some long scientific explanation for it but I don't care, I just think its so amazing how he created them to just float. His creation never ceases to amaze me and this week I have just been so amazed with clouds, from seeing them out the plane window to seeing them over Guatemala City as we drive over the mountain and look down at it.

What part of God's creation have you been amazed by this week?

-Katey :)


  1. This is going to be great!!! Keep it up. Can't wait to hear more! Love you guys.


  3. that is so true about the clouds.. Gods creation is certainly amazing. the thing that strike me the most is the fact that we all have different fingerprints. all the people in the world have their own identity in their fingerprints. to me that shows the amazingness in Gods creation. Continue to have a blessed time in Guatemala and be safe :)

  4. mine this week is beautiful music! :)

  5. Thank you Josh, Anonymous, Joy, and Rachel :)
    Joy-Fingerprints are pretty awesome! And thank you :)
    Rachel-Thats cool. Music is great!
